Application form for Organisations

Details of Organisation


Trustee1 Details


Details of Organisation

Please tick the category under which the project falls under.

Please provide detailed information regarding; [Mandatory]


Bank Details


Organisation's Accounts



Please complete the following declaration and sign it in the appropriate place below. If this declaration is not completed and signed, your application will not be considered. I acknowledge that Peoples Needs UK is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers and to this end I agree it may use information provided on this form for prevention and detection of crime and it may share this information with other bodies solely for these purposes. I hereby give consent to such collection, storage and processing of my personal data and I agree that the information given on this form may be used for data registration purposes. I hereby certify that:
  • All the information given on this form is correct to the best of our knowledge.
  • All questions have been accurately and fully answered.
  • If given funds, they will be used appropriately and within the legal framework of the country.
  • Peoples Needs UK retains their right to withdraw existing and future support at any time and without lllnotice.
  • Peoples Needs UK will not be held responsible for actions undertaken by recipients who are deemed to lllbe unlawful.